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In this 75 minute webinar participants will explore natural approaches to viral infections using evidence-informed practices.

We’ll explore:

  • Prevention approaches through hand and respiratory hygiene, the role of stress management, and food as medicine.
  • Energetics of a viral infection, e.g. knowing the difference between a dry cough and a wet cough and how they are treated differently.
  • Medicine making for the home-user, including herbal honeys and cough syrups with common pantry items.
  • Household disinfection plan to prevent cross-contamination.

Answers to common questions such as:

  • How much alcohol do you need to make a hand sanitizer that actually works to neutralize germs?
  • What’s an effective approach for autoimmune and chronic inflammation to prevent sending my loved one into a healing crisis with immune-stimulating herbs and aromatics?
  • When do I dose antivirals like elderberry and can I overdo it with them?
  • All the herbs are sold out or will take to long to get, what can I use from my kitchen?

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