
Suffering from migraines? Consider Hand Reflexology

Migraine headaches affect more than 10% of the global population and is the leading cause of disability for women under 50. This neurological condition causes debilitating, one-sided headaches that can last for hours or days. In addition to the pain it can be accompanied by nausea, fatigue, visual disturbances, tingling [...]

Hacking the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus for Better Sleep, Easing Depression, and a Happier Heart

  The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus, aka the SCN, is located in the brain sandwiched between the optic chiasm - where visual data enters the brain from the eyes - and the hypothalamus - a structure in charge of integrating the nervous and endocrine systems. The SCN acts as our body's 24-hour [...]

December 14th, 2022|0 Comments
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