
Can Reflexology and Aromatherapy help your insomnia?

Most of us can list a dozen amazing things about living in Austin without skipping a beat. But living, and sleeping, in any large city can chip away at our ability to get a solid night's sleep. Light pollution from street lights can interrupt the body's production of sleeping hormones, [...]

Try some Turmeric Chai this season!

Turmeric shares a family tree with Ginger, Plai, and Cardamom, as part of the Zingiberaceae family of aromatic rhizomes. The rhizome, or root, has that familiar papery outer skin that when peeled away exposes fragrant flesh. But turmeric's flesh, unlike ginger's, is deliciously carrot-orange! Long used in culinary dishes in [...]

October 28th, 2014|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

Why essential oils are not water flavoring agents

About once a month or every three weeks I have a client complaining of right-sided abdominal pain, lethargy, joint pain, and indigestion. At some point they mention they've been adding essential oils in their drinking water because their neighbor said it would make water taste better or help them lose [...]

What does an aromatherapist do?

I get asked this question a lot! Many don't understand the holistic modality of aromatherapy and what an aromatherapist does to help her clients reach their wellness goals. I'd like to introduce you to my profession and shed some light on what I do as an aromatherapist and why you [...]

Petrichor, Aromatic Molecules, and the Grand Canyon

Earlier this year we were all blown away to discover that the human nose can detect some trillion different smells so it won't surprise you to read that my nose was working overtime during a recent visit to the Grand Canyon National Park! While there we got to experience a [...]

September 16th, 2014|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

A tale of two lavenders

As an aromatherapist I have been trained to look to the chemistry of essential oils to best determine what their therapeutic actions will be. Essential oils are sent off to a lab for a two-part analysis called Gas Chromatograph and Mass Spectrometry or GC/MS. The test will show what chemical [...]

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